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Work with me

We can work together in a range of ways! If you have a different idea about how our skills could fit together, just let me know. 

Please note, I currently have limited capacity for consultancy work, and am not taking on any full scale production projects.



I can join you or your organisation as a freelance producer, either as a creative producer, executive producer, line producer or consulting producer.


Whether it's budgeting and scheduling, production planning, project development and dramaturgy - I can join your production at any stage. 



I can work with you to support your funding applications, either with feedback and notes, or in the writing itself.

I have fundraised over £250,000 in the last 3 years for a range of projects. I am experienced with Arts Council England, trusts and foundations, individual donors and crowd funding campaigns. 



If you're a school, training institution or participatory programme - get in touch and I can tailor workshop delivery to your needs. ​

I lead workshops in:

Self-producing; Acting; Artistic and professional development; Making your own work (from script development through to producing); Fundraising, among others.



I can join your workshop or production as an actor and/or singer. I particularly enjoy collaborative processes and new work. Take a look at my Spotlight to get in touch.

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